Monday, March 2, 2009

Reading Hop on Pop

Mrs. Louisa Thistle came and read "Hop on Pop" to Mrs. Kendra's kindergarten class and all three preschool classes in English & Spanish. Since this was such a large number of children we divided the classes up and two classes listened to the story while the other two classes made a delicious edible craft. Our edible craft was Cat in the Hat hats. We used Ritz crackers, vanilla icing and cherry slices (candied). Then we layered the ritz cracker with icing and cherry slices. The children loved this. This recipe can also be done with cream cheese and strawberry slices (for those of us who want to be a little more healthy).

Thank you to Mrs. Thistle for reading to our classes. And to Mr. Charlie for dressing up as the Cat in the Hat.

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